Monday, April 28, 2008

entering the Transition Summer

So... Saturday was graduation and marked the official end of undergrad.

I took my parents and my sister to a departmental reception hosted by the biology department, and made my dad meet several of the people I was /I will be working with. Let's just say he was surprised that I wasn't shy. But you'd think four years of college would change people so they wouldn't be, right? Doesn't college force you out of the shell, if you had one to start with?

There's two months before of start of grad school lab rotations. Two months of freedom. Well, sorta. I'll be in the mol ecol lab until June 30, and leading physics study groups for spring half-term. Then I switch labs on July 1 and start working on fish. Or mice. Need to make a decision in half a month...

Summer is gonna be interesting. Congratulations, class of 2008!

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