Saturday, November 1, 2008


The postdoc who's training me during rotations was out at a conference the past few days, so I slacked a little in lab. I know that grad students make their own schedule, so they go to lab whenever it's necessary and leave whenever experiments are done. Although a lot of the times I feel like I "need" to be there for the entire 8-hour block, or however long it takes, even if there's nothing to do except sit and wait for something to finish (thank god for the thermocycler).
I'm not entirely used to this med school lab yet... it's been two months! There's two more to go before the end of the rotation, and I'm moving back to Nat Sci in January, but I'm relatively sure now that I want to do a thesis with MCDB...
some natural light would be nice too, I suppose. :-)

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